students in lab

National Science Foundation S-STEM Hub Project


Award #2137824

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), The Hope Center for Student Basic Needs at Temple University—leaders in research, policy, and technical assistance to support students’ basic needs— are creating an innovative Hub (INTuitN-STEM: Investigating Non-Tuition Needs among community college STEM students) to (a) conduct collaborative research with S-STEM programs to understand and address basic needs insecurity and student access to non-tuition supports and resources and (b) create a broader community of institutions interested in building knowledge around supporting students’ basic needs.

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About the S-STEM Hub Project: Investigating How Low-Income Students Approach Non-Tuition Expenses

The INTuitN-STEM hub will build on The Hope Center’s Hope Impact Partnerships (HIP) infrastructure, a network of colleges and universities across the country working together to foster a basic needs ecosystem through (a) assessments of students’ basic needs (e.g., food, housing, access to technology and transportation, childcare) and institutional capacity; and (b) support to analyze, plan, and take action to improve students’ basic needs security and well-being.

Two ways to join the Hub:

  • Community colleges with S-STEM programs: Your college is invited to join a national, multi-year research partnership with support from National Science Foundation (NSF) to examine STEM students’ experiences with basic needs insecurity and their access to non-tuition supports and resources. The study will also identify points for effective intervention to support community college STEM success. Institutions selected for this partnership will receive $10,000 to support their research activities.
  • All other community colleges: Your college is invited to join a community of institutions dedicated to supporting STEM students’ basic needs through online convenings, newsletters, and sharing of resources created by the Hub’s work. Participation in this community is FREE.

Cost for Research Partner Institutions

  • Participation is free.
  • Time commitment is modest. The typical institution will devote no more than 10 staff hours per semester to participate in research activities in the first two years, and periodic virtual gatherings through Spring 2027. In addition, a few institutions will have the opportunity to test interventions in the later years of the grant. 
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How Research Partner Institutions Participate

  • Complete the enrollment application. 
  • Attend 2-3 Hub meetings per year with a team that includes the S-STEM project lead, the college’s Director of Institutional Research, the VP of Student Affairs, and the VP of Academic Affairs, along with at least two S-STEM students.
  • Field The Hope Center Student Basic Needs Survey to all enrolled students and have team members complete the institutional assessment.
  • Allow for the conduct of interviews and/or focus groups with staff, faculty, and students during the 2023-24 academic year.
  • Enter into an MOU-DUA (Memorandum of Understanding, Data Use Agreement) with Temple University to share de-identified student-level data, including FAFSA information (as allowed under the FERPA exemption for evaluation of financial aid programs).

Ready to apply? Scan the QR code, or follow this link to begin .

enrollment application QR code
Meet the Team


Write the Hub Team at